An Experiential Workshop in Essential Elementary English Language Skills

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A “Project Pankh” 2023-24 initiative under PIMSR Social Service Committee

The project PANKH 2023-24 under the flagship of PIMSR, Social Service Committee conducted, “An Experiential Workshop in Essential Elementary English Language Skills”for 6th and 7th standards students of the Zilla Parishad Gyan Jyoti Savitribai Phule School, Podi on 14th September, 2023 volunteered by PIMSR MMS 2nd year students.

The objectives of English Learning workshop was to understand students current skills of English language, to increase moral of students in English language and eliminate fear of spoken English and Personality Enhancement.

The workshop unfolded with an attempt to foster meaningful and respectful partnerships between the PIMSR, Zilla Parishad Gyan Jyoti Savitribai Phule School, Podi and the community at large, where the ownership and benefits are mutual and well appreciated.

The Zilla Parishad Gyan Jyoti Savitribai Phule School, students were engaged by asking them to converse in their first language, and then converse in English. This emphasized the importance of practicing the language one wants to learn, in order to develop thinking in that language. Further they were taught how to introduce themselves and also how to pronounce the sentences while they are introducing themselves.

PIMSR student volunteers took the students through the basic spelling rules and phonetics, as well as identification of vowels and consonants and encouraged them to find the vowels and consonants from the given word and taught them how to pronounce those words using phonetics.

The students were also engaged in another experiential learning activity of Poem recitation using their body language, Pace, rhythms, intonation, and proper pronunciation.

The session concluded with the engagement of students in the exercises that enabled them to practice and test their understanding of the concepts and to be able to put their learning into practice.

The Workshop was immensely enjoyed by the Zilla Parishad Gyan Jyoti Savitribai Phule School students, school faculty and by PIMSR students. It was fun, play & learning with sense of accomplishment for both the partners!

Under the headship of PIMSR’s Social Service Committee, Project Pankh 2023-24, “An Experiential Workshop in Essential Elementary English Language Skills”was conducted by our compassionate MMS 2nd year students: Ms. Tejal Araban, Ms. Payal Ghase, Mr. Yash Pawar, and Ms. Sakshi Shetty.