
Curriculum – Semester I

Semester I
1.1Perspective Management1.2Business Communication and Management Information Systems
1.3Organisational Behaviour1.4Financial Accounting
1.5Operations Management1.6Marketing Management
1.7Managerial Economics1.8Business Statistics

Curriculum – Semester II

Semester II
2.1Cost and Management Accounting2.2Financial Management
2.3Operations Research2.4Human Resources Management
2.5Legal Aspects of Business and Taxation2.6Business Research Methods
Specialization Subject
1. Retail Management1. Analysis of Financial Statements1. Human Resource Planning
2. Rural Marketing2. International Finance2. Compensation and Benefits
1. E-Commerce1. Total Quality Management1. Consulting Tools
2. Networking and Communications2. Technology Management and Manufacturing Strategy2. Consulting Solutions

Curriculum – Semester III

1. International Business
2. Strategic Management
3. Summer Internship

1.Product and Brand Management1.Advanced Financial Management
2.Sales Management and Sales Promotion2.Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
3.Consumer and Industrial Buyer Behavior3.Corporate Valuation
4.Financial Aspects of Marketing4.Corporate Law
5.Market Research and Analytics5.Fixed Income
6.Distribution and Supply Chain Management6.Derivatives and Risk Management
1.Organizational Theories, Structure and Design1.Software Engineering
2.Competency based HRM2.Business Intelligence and Analytics
3.Employee Relations and Labor Laws3.Enterprise Resource Planning
4.Training and Development4.Knowledge Management
5.Human Resource Audit5.Technology Platforms
6.Performance Management Systems6.Database Management System
1.Advanced Supply Chain Management1.Consulting for Business Verticals
2.Materials Management and Transportation2.Diagnosis
3.Business Process Re-engineering and Benchmarking3.Consultant and Consulting
4.Manufacturing Resource Planning and Control4.Consulting for Functional Areas and Strategy
5.Industrial Engineering Applications and Management5.Enterprise Applications
6.International Logistics and Supply Chains6.Consulting and Analytics - Data warehousing, Data Mining, BI and Big Data

Curriculum – Semester IV

4.1 Management Control System
4.2 Creativity and Innovation Management
4.3 Industry Oriented Dissertation Project

1.Strategic Marketing Management1.Financial Modeling
2.Integrated Marketing Communications and Digital Marketing2.Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring
3.Quantitative Models in Marketing3.Treasury Management
4.Media Planning and Strategy4.Project Finance
1.Management of Change1.Project Management
2.Strategic Human Resource Management2.IT Infrastructure Management
3.Organizational Development3.Data Warehousing and Data Mining
4.Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility4.Managing Technology Business
1.Strategic Operations Management1.Technology Management and Manufacturing Strategy
2.Project Management2.Standards in Consulting IMCI / ICMCI
3.Six Sigma3.Business Process Re-engineering and Benchmarking
4.Lean Manufacturing4.Corporate Valuation