Soft Skills

Soft skills are characteristic traits and interpersonal skills that characterize a person’s relationships with other people. They are also often known as ‘transferable skills’, ‘people skills’ or ‘social skills’. Soft skills get little respect but may make or break the career. It includes work ethics, attitude, communication skills, emotional intelligence and a whole host of other personal attributes that are crucial for career success. Nowadays soft skills are a priority while hiring, as they are often essential for workers to succeed in modern organizations. One is expected to have not only good speaking abilities, but also good at listening to other people’s point of view in any field. A lack of soft skills can limit the potential, or even lead to the downfall of one’s career. By developing strong leadership, teamwork, and communication abilities, students can run their projects more smoothly, deliver results that please everyone, and even positively influence their personal life by improving how they interact with others.

Session on Good to Great

Session on “Good to Great”

Dr. Latha Shetty, Founder of MainstreaM HRD Training Centre conducted a session on Good to Great for the students pursuing ...
Session on Personal Excellence

Session on “Personal Excellence”

Speaker: Mr. Ashish Nagpurkar Time: 3:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Mr. Ashish Nagpurkar, CHRO at Jet Freight Logistics Ltd conducted ...
session on setting and achieving life goals

Session on “Setting and Achieving Life Goals”

Mr. Dawood Vaid, Founder of Golden Sparrow Hub Schooling conducted a Session on "Setting and Achieving Life Goals" on 31st ...
session on business skills one needs to master

Session on “Business Skills One Needs to Master”

Mr. Vinod Madhavan, Vice President (Business & Strategy), Clootrack conducted the session for the students pursuing management studies at PiMSR ...
Session on Emotional Intelligence A dare in the era of Artificial Intelligence

Session on “Emotional Intelligence: A Dare in the Era of Artificial Intelligence”

Prof. Krushna R. Sawant, Assistant Professor at PIMSR conducted a Session on "Emotional Intelligence: A Dare in the Era of ...
Session on Attitude Plus

Session on “Attitude Plus”

Ms Vrushali Nilakhe, Training and Placement Manager at PIMSR conducted a Session on “Attitude Plus” for the MMS students on ...
Session on Gromming

Session on “Grooming”

Ms. Asmita Neve Pawar, Image Consultant and Grooming & Etiquette Expert conducted a session for the newly joined management students ...
skill training sessions

Soft Skill Training

Corporate Relations Committee (CRC) at Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research conducts soft skill training for all the students ...
/ News & Notifications, Soft Skill