Session on “How to Develop An Entrepreneur Mindset”

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The IIC of PiMSR organized a Session on “How to Develop An Entrepreneur Mindset” for the management students of Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research on 31st August, 2023 at the Auditorium of the Pillai Campus. The objective of the session was to inculcate an entrepreneurial mindset among management students. The session was conducted by Mr. Jayyannt Lapsiaa, Managing Partner of U.M. Khona & Company. Mr. Lapsiaa is an avid sportsman, playing competitive sports like Table Tennis, Tennis, Basketball and Cricket. At the age of 20, he joined his family business M/s. U.M. Khona & Co- A Custom House Agent in 1976 to help his brother in the family business. By the year 1985 he had already gained immense experience and knowledge about Customs law and working and Port operations. In the year 1978, he started his first assignment as sports commentator for All India Radio as a Sports Commentator in Basketball, Volleyball and Tennis. In the same year, [1978] he was sent to Hong Kong, to cover the Asian Basketball Championships for Women, by the Press Trust of India [PTI] as a sports journalist. In 2018, he was felicitated, at the International Global Conference, held in Goa, by the Union Minister – Late Ram Vilas Paswan for his significant contribution to the Liquid Bulk Trade.

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Mr. Jayyannt Lapsiaa started the session by emphasizing on several crucial points for personal and professional development. He highlighted the detrimental impact of a lack of self-belief on one’s growth trajectory. While education contributes to one’s livelihood, Mr. Lapsiaa underlined the transformative potential of self-education in shaping one’s fortune. A resounding mantra of “Yes, you can do it” emerged as a guiding principle, bolstered by the importance of rational thinking and the need to lay a strong foundation early on. Mr. Lapsiaa attributed a positive and fearless mindset as key elements for aspiring entrepreneurs. Procrastination found no place in his philosophy, while welcoming failures was embraced as an avenue for growth. Notably, he discouraged criticism of others, instead advocating for honesty, humility, and the use of collective language. Comparisons were deemed counterproductive, and he concluded with a reminder that appearances hold little significance in the grand scheme of things. The session ended with the students’ interaction with the speaker. It was a very informative and useful session for the students.