Home > Celebrations > National Education Day 2022

National Education Day was celebrated offline with an essay writing competition on 10th and 11th November, 2022. The objective of the celebration was to commemorate the birth anniversary of India’s first education minister Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. The students were given a brief idea about the contributions by Mr. Azad. After this a concrete timeline was given to help students research the topic and write essays on the same. Students showed keen interest in the competition. It was a great learning for them to go back to history and understand the contributions of leaders such as Dr. Azad. The competition was widely publicized and many students wrote elaborately on the contributions of Dr. Azad. The benefits of conducting such an event were that students understood the visionary thinking of our past leaders into developing India as a strong nation. 21 students participated in the competitions. The completion was organized and judged by Innovation Ambassadors Dr. Shaheda Shaikh, Dr. Betty Sibil, Dr. Celina Joy and members of IIC Prof. Krushna Sawant, Prof. Priti Nakhwa, Prof. Shailendra Pawaskar and Prof. Priyanka Chatta.

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