Home > Celebrations > World Environment Day 2019

Faculty members and students enthusiastically participated in symbolically observing World Environment Day organised by SI Bombay Chembur in association with Pillai College of Architecture and collaborated with Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research. A Talk on “Human Angle in Waste Management” by Ms. Jyoti Mhapsekar, President of Stree Mukti Sanghatana was followed by an exhibition on the topic, ‘Waste to Resources’.

Ms. Mhapsekar in her talk gave a perspective on different types of household waste generated by urban communities and the mammoth issues of its safe disposal municipalities are unable to tackle. She explained the workings of the Waste Based Industry and how it is a pyramid, at the base of which are the women waste-pickers who are victims of poverty, inequality and caste system. The NGO-Stee Mukti sanghatana works for betterment of these communities in Mumbai.

She further emphasised that the students of architecture, business management and technology must be sensitised to the issues of waste management at its very source. She spoke of several ways in which householders can responsibly sort and handover directly to the waste pickers different kinds of household waste.
Lastly, she spoke about the benefits of composting organic kitchen waste within homes and communities. The NGO put on display home composting baskets they have developed and explained its working. Many faculty members and students purchased the basket.

The students pledged to continue to make efforts to conserve the environment in their own small and meaningful ways and spread the message in their communities.

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