Visit to (M M Jagtap College) & (Hirawal Education Trust) Mahad

Home > Industrial Visit > Visit to (M M Jagtap College) & (Hirawal Education Trust) Mahad

Name of Event:
Knowledge & Resource sharing initiatives activities under “Student Exchange Program” with MOU signed colleges

Date & Venue:
12th February, 2024: Assembly Hall, M M Jagtap College
13th February, 2024: Convocation Hall, Hirawal Education Trust

No. of Participant’s:
52 (M M Jagtap College)
58 (Hirawal Education Trust)

In continuation on student exchange program where in we conducted session at Parsekar College, Goa & Kelkar College, Devgad in Jan’24 PIMSR continued the journey with M M Jagtap College & Hirawal Education Trust collaborated as per MOU for a “student Development Workshop”.

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This tailored made workshop covered most relevant topics for the undergraduate’s & graduates on topic of “resume Writing Interview preparation and Effective Team building” the said topics are critical elements for professional success in the initial stage of career building.

This strategic collaboration underscored a shared commitment for fostering holistic student development through cooperative educational endeavors.

Students feedback Data would be shared separately with Ashish Sir.