Session on “Process Design & Development”

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The Institution Innovation Council of PiMSR organized a session on “Process Design & Development” on 26th April, 2023 at the Auditorium for the students pursuing management studies. The speakers of the sessions were Mr. Sandiran Kauder, CEO of Zigya Technology Labs Pvt. Ltd. The objective of the session was to understand the various aspects of Process Design and its development for innovation. Mr. Sandiran began the session by talking about the Golden Circle which included the three most important questions a student should keep in mind while undertaking any business viz. Why, How and What. The point why includes the purpose of the organization, the point how includes the process of the organization and the point what is the result for the inputs. Mr. Kaunder then spoke about the different types of mindsets which are the Fixed mindset, the Growth Mindset and the Benefit Mindset. He connected the different types of mindsets with the aspects of the Golden Circle. Mr. Sandiran then spoke about Process Designing. He explained how process designing helps in various aspects like identifying and defining the problem, identifying inputs, outputs, parties and procedures. He further explained the benefits of Process designing which includes its applicability across industries, reinforcing innovation, strengthening leadership, encouraging creativity, promoting team work & delivering business value. The session ended with a Question and Answer round.

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