Number of Attendees: Faculty: 5 Students: 135
The session was conducted by Ms. Preet Sandhuu on 29th July, 2022. The session was taken on the topic “Entrepreneurship: A Journey Of Unstoppable Souls!” by Ms Preet Sandhuu, Founder at Global Edugate and the Founder of model career center under AITMC. She explained that entrepreneurship is not only about having passion and working towards it but it starts with idea generation and to have vision of how scalable and sustainable the idea is along with having good mentor. It requires more research to work upon an idea and an entrepreneur creates opportunity out of it. Funds is not the main concern for startup, if one has an idea then big investors are ready to invest in it as Ms. Sandhuu did in farmer city project. She further shares that to expand business networking is important. Apart from this if one has to do internship one should work in startup as they would know everything from start and can work on idea. She also explained entrepreneurship essentials. Some of them were willingness to take calculated risk and fundamental skills of building a solid business plan. Entrepreneurship is better than job as we can learn life skills, creativity and problem solving skill. Entrepreneurs should provide innovative solution to predefined market. Entrepreneur teaches us balanced life skill such as personal characteristics, interpersonal skills, critical and creative thinking skills, practical skills and knowledge.
She also revealed few myths of entrepreneurship like innovation is planned and predictable, Technical specifications should be thoroughly prepared, Creativity lies in dreams and blue sky ideas, big projects develop better innovation and technology is the driving force of innovative success. The session ended with a QnA session.