Session on “Basic and Essential Elementary English Language Skills”

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As part of the PIMSR Social Service Committee Project “PANKH” 2023-24 The MMS 1st year students from the PIMSR’s Social Service Committee conducted a Session on 28th November, 2023 on “Basic and Essential Elementary English language skills” for 6th and 7th grade students from Zilla Parishad Gyan Jyoti Savitribai Phule School in Podi.

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The session began with a revision of previously taught topics such as articles (a, an, the) followed by reading practise and a dictation test. The children responded enthusiastically with vigour when tested on the skills of the Basic and Essential Elementary English language. The session ended by playing an educational game and with the Poetry recitation in chorus by the class.

The students heartily appreciated the song “Head, shoulders, knees, and toes,” which was introduced to them. The Podi school students who knew the song took the lead and taught their fellow classmates with animation & fun!

The session helped the MMS 1st year students from the PIMSR’s Social Service Committee to bond with the kids at their personal level in order to learn about their interests and thereby customize the games and activities to suit their needs.

With the due guidance & support from the PIMSR SSC Team, Krushna Ma’am, Celina Ma’am, and Anjali Ma’am, the “Basic and Essential Elementary English Language Skills” session was successfully conducted by Ms. Gopika Menon, Ms. Amrutha Nair, Mr. Joseph Philip, and Mr. Jesson George.