Pre-conference Collaboration with AI Gen

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The Research and Development Committee members organised a meeting with guests from AI Gen; Mr. Rasmus Häggkvist, an entrepreneur and AI advocate and Ms. Lisa Carter, Head of Customer Service- AI Forum on Thursday, 22nd June, 2023 at Dr. K. M. Vasudevan Pillai Campus to discuss the upcoming PIMSR Global Conference on 30th September 2023. The objective of the meeting was to invite Mr. Häggkvist as one of the guest speakers for the inaugural session of the conference. The meeting was attended by PiMSR Director- Dr. R. Chandran, Registrar – Dr. Gopal P, Chairperson of PRDC Dr. Anjali Bhute and members of PRDC, Dr. Betty Sibil and Dr. Celina Joy.

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Dr. Bhute explained the various aspects of the conference and the expectations of the audience for the same. Mr. Häggkvist accepted the invitation and agreed to speak at the conference. The meeting ended with lunch for the guests.