Home > Celebrations > National Pollution Control Day 2022

National Pollution Day was celebrated offline with a Poster making competition among the students on 1st and 2nd December, 2022. The objective of the session was to enlighten students on the harmful effects of pollution. The students made posters which focused towards the effects of pollution on the environment, human life and animal life. National Pollution Day is also observed in the memory of people who lost their lives in the Bhopal gas tragedy of 1984. The students created images that gave a sharp focus on managing and control of industrial disasters as well.

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Poster making competitions provided students an opportunity to explore the creativity, team handling, communication skills and time management skills. Students showed their keen interest in the competition. It was a great learning for them to know about the harmful effects of pollution and the measures to bring down the pollution levels in the air and water. They used their creative skills to portray the harmful effects of global warming due to the rise in pollution levels.

47 students participated in the National Pollution Control Day competition. The completion was organized and judged by Innovation Ambassadors Dr. Shaheda Shaikh, Dr. Betty Sibil, Dr. Celina Joy and members of IIC Prof. Krushna Sawant, Prof. Priti Nakhwa, Prof. Shailendra Pawaskar and Prof. Priyanka Chatta.

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