MDP on “Building an Entrepreneurial Culture”

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Dr. Betty Sibil and Dr. Celina Joy, Innovation Ambassadors of Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research and members of International Federation of Commerce and Industry conducted an interactive session on “Building an Entrepreneurial Culture” during the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Exposure Visit cum Training organised by Pillai College of Engineering under the Mentor -Mentee Scheme of IIC on 22nd July, 2022. Faculty members of the four mentee institutions of PCE attended the session. Dr. Sibil and Dr. Joy spoke about the various initiatives that can be conducted for students to build an ecosystem of innovation and creativity. They encouraged the participants to make all events student-centric and provided guidance on identifying relevant days to organise programmes like World entrepreneurship Day, National Science Day etc for better visibility. Some best practices were also shared with the group. It was an interactive session with the active participant engagement throughout the session.

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