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A Session on “Mindset” conducted by Vrushali Nilakhe- Training and Placement Manager for PIMSR first year students.

Mindset is crucially important because our attitudes and beliefs affect everything we do, feel, think, and experience. Our mindset influences our perceptions and how we work in the corporate world. Mindsets play a significant role in determining life’s outcomes. By understanding, adapting and shifting your mindset one can live a stress free life. As per Psychologist Carol Dweck, there are two types of mindsets – Fixed and Growth Mindset. People with fixed mindset believe that their intelligence is fixed and static, where as growth mindset focuses on hard work and learning. Nowadays companies are also focusing on continuous learning for which growth mindset is important.

Based on this, a brief session was conducted by Prof. Vrushali Nilakhe on 23rd November, 2022.

Session on Mindset 1
Session on Mindset 2