Financial Support to Women from Marginalised Communities

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On Thursday, 23rd March, 2023 Dr. Celina Joy, Chairperson of the Social Service Committee of PIMSR along with PAC of SIBC, Ms. Yvette Lee distributed Financial Aid of ₹ 5,000/- each to two budding small scale Entrepreneurs to help them set up vegetable stalls under the Project ASHA scheme of SIBC. The two women, Ms. Rajeshwari Lalmani and Amina Mustaq Sayed from marginalised communities in Karave Village, Seawoods were chosen after a need assessment and interview. This initiative will help these women start and grow their businesses, eventually aiding them in their journey to financial independence. The members of SSC will mentor and support the women for the next one year to help them sustain their businesses.

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