Home > Faculty Development Programme > FDP on “OBE for Management Studies”

The PiMSR Research and Development Cell organized a Faculty Development Workshop on “OBE for Management Studies” on Monday, 23rd October, 2023 at 2.30 p.m. Dr. Gopal Purshottaman was the resource person for the session. The purpose of this FDP was to equip the management faculty members on aligning the “Programme Objective / Outcomes (PO)” and “Course Outcomes / Objective (CO)” in order to ensure that the objective of each course taught in a particular programme are in line that of the programme objective. The session covered the concepts of bloom’s taxonomy, PO – CO Alignment, Calculating PO–CO Attainment Level, Criteria of Attainment Levels, etc. with many examples. All faculty members were requested to ensure that the question papers set are also in alignment so that students attainment levels can be evaluated. 23 faculty members attended the session.

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