Engage and Unite

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Navi Mumbai, 25th October 2023 – The HR club of PIMSR organized an event named Engage and Unite in which games were organized for the students of Pillai Business School & Pillai institute of management studies and research on 25th October 2023, the event took place in Atrium at the New Panvel Campus.

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The main objectives of this event was to enhance teamwork, communication and collaboration skills for the students. The event was a great success, 76 students participated in the event they were divided in pairs, 3 games were played which included a Team building game, Truth and lie & Poster Making Competition. The winners Qualified into the next game, they were given gifts and cash prizes.

The chief guest for the event was Prof. Krushna Sawant Ma’am, Adv. Vikrant Gharat Sir, Prof. Anuja Menkar Ma’am. They winners were given gifts and cash prizes.