The main aim of career counseling is to help students choose a field that is in tune with their skills and their job expectations. Thus, with the help of career counseling, most candidates end up choosing the right career, and perform their level best, which ultimately helps them succeed. In the first semester itself students...Read More
Faculty members and students enthusiastically participated in symbolically observing World Environment Day organised by SI Bombay Chembur in association with Pillai College of Architecture and collaborated with Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research. A Talk on “Human Angle in Waste Management” by Ms. Jyoti Mhapsekar, President of Stree Mukti Sanghatana was followed by an...Read More
ARA and MahaCET Cell have started their online admission process for all professional courses (Engineering, Architecture, MMS). Pillai College New Panvel is conducting a Seminar about the admission process details are below: This will be followed by a campus tour of our Panvel Campus as well as our Rasayani Campus Seva Setu Kendra. Interested students...Read More
Dr. Celina Joy attended Symposium on “Education in Universal Human Values” which was held at Pillai College of Education and Research, New Panvel on 27th April, 2019.Read More
Financial Modeling Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research organized seven Sessions on “Financial Modeling” for first year finance students. The resource person for this session was Dr. Aditya Sontakke. He conducted seven sessions of one hour each between March and April last year. He informed students about a financial model which is the summary...Read More
VBA Toolpak Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research organized nine Sessions on “Data Analysis” for all the MMS students of first year. The resource person for this session was Prof. Ketki Pawar. She conducted nine sessions of one hour each between March and April last year. She suggested that Excel is convenient for data...Read More
ICT / Computing Skills Date: 19th February – 12th April, 2019 Venue: Conclave Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research organized Session on “Tally” for first year finance students of first year. The resource person for this session was Mr. Mangesh Malsure. He conducted ten sessions of one hour each between September and October last...Read More
PIMSR organizes an induction programme at the beginning of the academic year; guest faculty interact with students and highlight the importance of the MBA programme and its practical relevance. They also highlight important skills such as technical, leadership & domain knowledge, teamwork, soft skills etc. The Student Induction Programme engages with the new students as...Read More
A Networking Meeting with the finalists of the Business Plan Competition of 2016, 2017 and 2018 was held on 26th March, 2019 at PCIE Cell, Panvel campus to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Pillai Centre of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Students of PiMSR who have participated in these competitions shared the experiences of their entrepreneurship journey...Read More