Virtual Fresher’s 2020-2021

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Event Date: 9th May, 2021
Objective of the Event: To welcome newcomers in a friendly atmosphere.
Venue: Online platform

Fresher’s day is one of the very first events where the juniors and seniors interact and bond with each other and try to get to know each other a little better. It is a way to celebrate being a part of PiMSR together. Second year students of Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research took the initiative to make one-of-a-kind virtual fresher’s memorable for all the other students. The event was inaugurated with a beautiful semi – classic dance by second year HR student Miss. Saipriya.

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Flow of the Events

Event NameParticipantsTime (Mins)Anchors
InaugurationSaipriya (welcome dance)10 minsShivani
Director's Sir welcome message5 minsDr. R Chandran Sir
Mr. / Miss Fresher's R17 participants10 minsNipul & Gauri
Prize distribution - Mobile photography8 participants5 minsJitendra
Dancing - offlineD1 - Anushka Shinde (1st Year)
D2 - Sreelakshmi (2nd Year)
D3 - Archana Menon (1st Year)
10 minsSaipriya & Neetu
Game - Fish pond10 minsNikhil
Singing - OfflineReuben Babu (2nd Year)5 minsShivani
Mr. / Miss Fresher's R27 participants15 minsNipul & Gauri
Dancing - offlineD4 - Reshma & Pran (2nd Year)
D5 - Sagar Bhave (1st Year)
D6 - Neetu John (2nd Year)
D7 - Veena Ajmera (1st Year)
10 minsSaipriya & Neetu
Game - Guess the logo/ Bollywood Quiz5 minsGauri
Mr. / Miss Fresher's R37 participants10 minsNipul & Gauri
Dancing - offlineD8 - Christy Shaji (2nd Year)
D9 - Vansh More (1st Year)
D10 - Saipriya (2nd Year)
10 minsSaipriya & Neetu
Vote of Thanks5 minsAditya Nair

Participation Details

Event Name: Mr. and Miss Fresher'sEvent Name: Singing
Event Head: Nipul SadasivanEvent Head: Shivani Nair
ParticipantsContact InfoParticipantsContact Info
Tanmay Shinde
Sreelaxshmi Priyan
Vansh Rajesh More
Reuben Babu (2nd year)
Event Name: DancingEvent Name: Mobile Photography
Event Head: Saipriya and NeetuEvent Head: Jitendra Singh
ParticipantsContact InfoParticipantsContact Info
Vansh Rajesh More (Offline)
Sagar Bharve (Offline)
Veena Ajmera (Offline)
Archana Menon (Online)
Anushka Shinde (Offline)
Reshma and Pran (2nd year)
Saipriya (2nd year)
Neetu John (2nd year)
Sreelaxshmi (2nd year)
Sayali Pawar
Sagar Bharve
Veena Ajmera
Tessy Thomas
Siddhesh Vanarse
Mayur Sondkar
Vivek Waghmare
Jaytirth Anil Khane

Mr. and Miss. Fresher 2020:
Mr. Fresher: Mr. Vansh More
Miss. Fresher: Ms. Anuhska Shinde