Session on “Improving English Reading Skills and Grammar”

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As part of the “PANKH” initiative, the Social Service Committee volunteers from PiMSR conducted an engaging educational session at Zilla Parishad Gyan Jyoti Savitribai Phule School in Podi on 20th February, 2025. The session focused on enhancing the basic English reading skills and promoting word play among students.

Session on Improving English Reading Skills and Grammar 1
Session on Improving English Reading Skills and Grammar 2
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The workshop began with a revision of pronouns, building on concepts introduced in a previous session. These activities were specifically designed for 5th and 6th grade students to reinforce their understanding of grammar and improve retention. In addition, reading exercises were incorporated to boost the students’ overall reading proficiency.

During the interactive word play segment, students were asked to recall and connect words related to one another, while also completing fill-in-the-blank exercises that revisited pronouns. This approach effectively strengthened their vocabulary, grammar, and spelling skills.

The students thoroughly enjoyed the session, and their key takeaways included a deeper understanding of pronouns and their correct usage. Through guided activities, their reading skills saw noticeable improvement, while word play exercises expanded their vocabulary and word association abilities. Interactive grammar and spelling exercises helped solidify their language skills, and the engaging, hands-on methods encouraged active participation, making the learning experience both effective and enjoyable.

The session was led by MMS students: Mr. Akash Wagh, Ms. Vidula Thombare, Ms. Akshada Rajkar, and Ms. Khushi Ramteke, who guided the students through an engaging learning experience.