Session on “English Grammar and Vocabulary”

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Through Project ‘PANKH’ Social Service Committee Team of PIMSR on 22nd October, 2024 conducted a session on basic English Grammar and vocabulary for the students of Zilla Parishad Gyan Jyoti Savitribai Phule School in Podi.

Recognizing the importance of communication in academics the workshop provided a supportive environment for students to engage and practice their skills. Firstly , the students introduced themselves and then the session started by explaining the students of 6th standard about homophones and its meaning and importance. The session also focused on re-collecting the names of animals, fruits, flowers and colors for the 7th standard students. These activities were encouraged to empower the student’s memory and also to improve their vocabulary. Furthermore, the students were made to play a game where they had to guess the meaning of the different homophonic words.

Students appreciated the interactive nature of the session and expressed enjoyment in participating in games.

The session was conducted by MMS Students – Ms. Haritha Menon, Ms. Vidula Thombare, Mr.Saurabh Dhudku Pingale, Mr. Jesson George, Mr. Joseph Philip and Ms. Gopika Menon