A session on Cyber Crime Awareness was conducted by the Social Service Committee members of PiMSR at Zilla Parishad Gyan Jyoti Savitribai Phule School on 18th December 2023 to educate the students of 6th & 7th standard students about cyber security. The session gave the insights on how cyber crime or cyber awareness can be spread among the young generations so that they could become a better & responsible citizen in the upcoming future. The session also covered the various aspects & the types of cyber-crimes such as Phishing, Grooming, Gaming addiction. Etc. The session also covered the Do’s & Don’ts that the students can summarize and also help others in the society when in need. The students were also keen to learn and were able to grasp the knowledge at a quick pace.
There was also positive feedback from the teacher faculty and the Headmistress of the school. The Headmistress gave their feedback in writing with a good impression. Overall, the session was very captivating and successful. The session was conducted by SYMMS students – Numair Kadiri, Siddhant More & Sairaj Tambe in association with the NGO, CRY. 37 students and four faculty members of the school attended the session.