Session on “Angel Investment/VC Funding Opportunity for Early Stage Entrepreneurs”

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IIC of PiMSR organized a session on Angel Investment/VC Funding Opportunity for Early Stage Entrepreneurs on 30th July, 2024 for first year management students at Conclave 1, Pillai Campus. Mr. Sagar Ranshoor, Head Incubation Facilitator at CIBA in Navi Mumbai was the key note speaker. The main objective of organising this session was to give students an insight into the various funding opportunities for business start-ups. Mr. Ranshoor began the event by asking students about the main challenges of a start-up. The students mentioned funding as one of the main obstacles to continue the business. The speaker then delved into the intricacies of start-ups, incubation centres, and the significance of prototypes in the entrepreneurial world leading to great funding opportunities. He spoke about the various types of funding available and the various schemes of the government for early stage start-ups. The session served as a comprehensive guide to understanding the dynamics of start-ups, differentiating them from traditional businesses, and emphasizing the pivotal roles of incubation centres in navigating the start-up landscape successfully by getting opportunities to fund their businesses. The benefits of the session was that students understood the importance of correctly appraoching angel investors for their business. 80 students and 8 faculty members attended the session.

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