Seminar on “Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace (POSH)”

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The Women Development Cell at Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research organised a Seminar on “Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace (POSH)” on Saturday, 18th January, 2020 in the Auditorium. The key speaker for the seminar was Advocate Meenakshi Gopalakrishnan. Ms. Meenakshi is a practicing lawyer. Through her talk she was able to enlighten the students about POSH and its implications. The talk was very well received by the students pursuing the MMS course. There were 172 participants in total out of which 13 were faculty members and 159 were the students of MMS.

Seminar on “Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace (POSH)”
18th January, 2020
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