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Airbus topshots visit Pillai Campus for the Industry Institute Interface

Mr. Ajay Mehra, Airbus Managing Director, South Asia visited the Pillai Educational Complex on 28th August, 2013 and interacted with students and faculty members. He spoke to the students about the engineering processes that Airbus adopts in the manufacturing of the planes. He also explained to students the technological advancement in the field of Aeronautical industry. Mr. Ajay Arora also highlighted the economic situation across the globe and how it has been impacting the business of large multinational companies like Airbus. The address was very captivating to the students and faculty alike because Mr. Mehra talked about management and various role models and techniques of leadership used in corporate by giving examples from personal experiences. He also explained to the students the negotiating skills in the business at global level, the various global business terminologies, rules and regulation in different parts of the world. Mr. Ajay Mehra has 40 years of experience in the corporate global world, so listening to his growth curve in the industry was like an role model for young engineering and management students. He also had an interactive session with the students and faculty of Pillai’s.

28th August, 2013
Dr. K. M. Vasudevan Pillai Campus, Sector 16, New Panvel

Dr. K. M. Vasudevan Pillai, (Chairman and CEO, MES), Dr. Daphne Pillai (Chairperson Mgt. Board, MES), Dr. Priam Pillai, COO, MES, Mr. Ajay Mehra, Managing Director, Asia Pacific, Airbus, Dr. R. I. K. Moorthy, Principal, PIIT, Dr. G. Vijayragavan, Director, PiMSR, Ms. Nivedita Shreyans, PRO, Pillai Group of Institutions, Group of Engineering students who visited Germany and France trip.

The seminar was organized as sequel to the Pillai students visit to Airbus Manufacturing Plant at France during the summer vacation. The event was also attended by the Members of Management Board of Mahatma Education Society, Dr. K. M. Vasudevan Pillai, Chairman and CEO, Dr. Daphne Pillai, Chairperson Management Board, and Dr. Priam Pillai, COO.

The event was organized by engineering and management of Pillai Group of Institutions. Dr. R. I. K. Moorthy, Principal, PIIT shared his views on changing technology and the need for adaptation for graduate engineers. Dr. Vijayaragvan, Director, PiMSR presented his thoughts on changing technological and business world and how the business managers of tomorrow need to learn new skill of managing new age businesses.

The entire program was coordinated by Ms. Nivedita Shreyans, Chief PRO, Pillai Group of Institutions and she also proposed the vote of thanks.