Panel Discussion on “US Hegemony – A Myth or Reality: An Indian Perspective”

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Venue: 7th Floor, Auditorium, Pillai College Campus, Panvel.

PIMSR organised a Panel Discussion on 30th January 2025, wherein six faculty members deliberated upon the topic “US Hegemony – A Myth or Reality: An Indian Perspective”. The panel discussion was moderated by the Director, R. Chandran.

Panel Discussion on US Hegemony A Myth or Reality An Indian Perspective 1
Panel Discussion on US Hegemony A Myth or Reality An Indian Perspective 2
Panel Discussion on US Hegemony A Myth or Reality An Indian Perspective 3

This type of panel discussion bears significance in the world where the concept of hegemony, particularly in the context of the US, has sparked numerous debates over the years. Is the US truly the unchallenged superpower it is often portrayed to be? Or, is its dominance is being contested in an increasingly multipolar world? From military might and economic supremacy to cultural influence and global diplomacy, the discussion delved into multiple dimensions of this critical issue through the lens of Indian perspectives.

The panel members were Dr. KP Gopal, Prof. Subramanian Iyer, Prof. Anil Jadwani, Prof. Subhendu Bhattacharya, Prof. Prasenjit Yesambare and Prof. Priyanka Chatta. These panel members were divided into two groups who spoke for the topic as Myth and Reality, and were given foreign names as per the country of their origin that they represented in the panel discussion. They answered an array of questions that were posed by the moderator.

This topic resonated deeply not just in academic circles but also in political, economic and strategic domains. The primary objective of the panel discussion was to critically analyse the concept of US hegemony and explore whether it holds true in the current geopolitical landscape, which provided the students with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities involved, equipping them to think strategically about India’s role in the global order. The panel members possessed a wealth of knowledge and diverse viewpoints which were very well taken by the student-audience. At the end, students posed intelligent questions to the panel members on the issue, which was followed by a few students summarising on the. The faculty members helped the students appreciate the multifaceted nature of this issue, from economic interdependence and military power to cultural influence and global alliances.

The session ended with a determination to conduct such informative panel discussions on business and geo-political issues in the future.