MMS (2023-25) – Semester IV Projects Orientation

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The University of Mumbai and its curriculum requires an extended engagement of students with the corporate world during the course of Semester IV. On 6th December, 2024, project orientation session was carried out by Dr. Betty Sibil and Dr. Vivekanand Pawar at 2.00 p.m. to 3.00 p.m. in auditorium for MMS (2023-25) – Semester IV students for their projects in the following three domains as a mandatory provision –

  • Focus area: General Management – where students are expected to synthesize, integrate and apply skills that they have acquired during the first three semesters.
  • Focus area: Marketing / Finance / Operations / HRM / Systems – where the students are essentially instructed to apply conceptual learning in the chosen area of specialization.
  • Focus area: Social Relevance – The main aim of this project is to enable the student to be aware of his / her social responsibilities and encourage everyone to explore project areas for finding solutions to issues encountered by the society. The students have the freedom to select an area of research such as – environmental protection, waste management, disaster management, harvesting water, malnutrition, health issues, women literacy, gender discrimination, to name a few.
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Students are encouraged to take up at least one internship (online/offline) in any of the above focus areas. CRC will be posting internship opportunities from now onwards and students have to apply for the same. Students are advised that the students who are already placed can use their current experience of work in the same organization for the purpose of preparation of report.

Students are given the draft guidelines of the three projects stating that each report should contain a minimum of 30 pages excluding the Title pages, Table of content and References

Following are the deadlines decide for submission:

Submission of a synopsis as per format given for all three projects to their respective mentor by 7th January, 2025.

First Draft Submission: 24th February, 2025
Final Project Submission: 10th March, 2025
Viva Voce Examination: 19th to 26th March, 2025