Management Conclave on “Invaluable Tips to Enrich Employability”

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The PiMSR Research and Development Committee organized a Management Conclave on the topic “Invaluable Tips to Enrich Employability” on 1st & 2nd October, 2021 between 9.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in an online mode for the management students of PiMSR. Employability Skills are the traits and talents that make you an attractive candidate for a job. Developing employ ability skills through education, training and practical applications can give you an edge in the job market. In addition to giving you an advantage in your job search, these skills also position you for higher earning roles with higher growth opportunity. 112 students and 15 faculty members were present for the same.

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Expert Speakers (Dr. R. Chandran, Executive Director, Pillai Institute of Management Studies & Research, Prof. Vijayan Pankajakshan, Dean-HR, CHRO, WE School, Mumbai, Mr. Jayant Lapsiyaa, Partner, U. M. Khona & Company, Mr. Iyer Subramanian, Consultant, Mind Power) emphasized the attributes required by the job seeker to seek decent openings in a chaotic market place.

Mr. Ritesh Joshi, Labour Relations Leader, Cummins India Limited with Ms. Konica Paul Chakraborthy Consultant, Svetlana Training & Consultancy Services spoke about the importance of Emotional Quotient. Both these speakers were of the opinion that the power & acumen of emotions if applied (positively understood & applied positively at work) can facilitate higher levels of collaboration & productivity.

Session 2 was handled by Dr. Vasudevan Pillai, Founder, MES Pillai Group of Institutions, Mr. Anand Tripathi, President, Ultratech Cements Limited, Dr. Aperna Volluru Rao, Neuroscientist & Psychologist, Founder-Ritzy Schools, Mr. Vinod Madhavan, SVP & Business Leader, Maventra gave us broad tips – Impact of Psychological Empowerment on Work Engagement.

Dr. Krishnamurthy Iyer, Behavioural Trainer, Performance & Effectiveness Enhancer & Ms. Andal Krishnan, Founder & Head, Crest Excellence Centre, Malaysia cautioned that every accomplishments achieved during your tenure (small, medium, large) has to be appraised to the senior & also consider undertaking the tasks of higher positions regularly in your present position to enhance your career prospects.

Dr. Vijay Deshpande, HR Adviser (Global Business) J. K. Tyres Limited with Mr. Devdutt Kadrekar, CEO, Humane HR Consultancy Services discussed how performance affects productivity, effects of productivity, productivity improvement, concepts of learning, going beyond the realm of being a good leader & becoming a Star Performer.

The take away from these online seminar has been huge. The students, corporate professionals & entrepreneurs understood that the employability is the ability to enthrall employers with indisputable capabilities to optimize personal development & job growth. The event was coordinated by Prof. Subramanian Iyer along with the PiMSR Research and Development Committee members.