Management Conclave on “Breakthrough Strategy to Unleash Your Potential”

Home > Management Conclave > Management Conclave on “Breakthrough Strategy to Unleash Your Potential”

The Research and Publication Committee of PiMSR organized a Management Conclave on the theme “Breakthrough Strategy to Unleash Your Potential” on 5th January, 2022 from 1.15 to 3.45 p.m. The speakers for the Conclave were:

  1. Dr. Arunagiri Mudaliar, CEO and Chief Mentor, Ecube India Pvt. Ltd.
  2. Mr. Vinay Kirloskar, Vice President – HR, Reliance Industries Limited, Nagothane and
  3. Mr. Vijay Despande, COO – People Apex

Other esteemed dignitaries who joined the session were Mr. David Serrao, Mr. Sahni, & Mr. Gaji Rao Baji from the corporate sector.

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The objective of the Management Conclave was to help students build communication & leadership skills and learn important management concepts.

The first speaker was Dr. Arunaagiri Mudaliar who is an author, World-class Trainer, International sportsperson and a successful businessman. He has a postgraduate in Science from Mumbai University, a Certificate in Management Science from Holland and is an alumnus of IIM, Ahmedabad. He is a successful businessman heading a team of 150 members manufacturing a variety of soft luggage and packing materials. Dr. Arunaagiri is India’s first trainer to be certified by Blair Singer Academy, USA for competency and excellence in the area of Training. He has also been conferred an honorary Doctorate in Personal Excellence and Life Mastery with specialization in Transformational Leadership. He has authored many books which have been best sellers. He spoke on the topic “Be a Super Sales Star”.

The next speaker was Mr. Vinay Kirloskar, Vice President – HR, Reliance Industries Limited, Nagothane. He has a Masters in Personnel Management & LLB with about 3 decades of rich experience in human resource development, industrial relations, crisis management & administration & employee benefits and management. He was instrumental in undertaking steps to enhance employee skills by organizing & imparting effective Training and Development programs, that includes cultural change programs. He is a faculty member at various management institutions teaching Labour Law & Industrial relations.He is also a member of Human Resources team of Employees’ Federation of India. He spoke on the topic “Being Professional”.

After this session there was a brief session by Mr. Ramesh Tirumalasetti who is a boxing champion. He spoke about the importance of having a healthy body to have a healthy mind. He shared some useful tips on maintaining a healthy mind and body which was appreciated by all students.

The next speaker was Mr. Vijay Despande, COO – People Apex. He is the Co-Founder of an international HR networking forum called HR Network International popularly known as-HRNI. He is also the founder of Global Trainers Federation (GTF), India Chapter. He is also the owner-promoter of an end-to-end HR consulting entity named ‘People Sciences’ and the Chief-Operating-Officer of a HR Management Technology solutions company People Apex. He has more than 29 years of HR experience having worked in various Senior HR Roles with top notch MNCs like Skoda Auto India, Coca-Cola, to name a few. Mr. Vijay Deshpande has received many awards which include: ‘Top 50 HR Leaders’ Award by CHRO Asia and World HRD Congress and ‘Excellence in HR Award’ by United Business Institute, Belgium. He also has various Accreditations from across the globe. He spoke on the topic “Business & Organization Purpose & Ability to Think Strategically”.

Next was a brief session by Mr. David Serrao, hospitality HR consultant. He spoke about the importance of grooming to make a great first impression.

The management Conclave ended with a vote of thanks by Research Committee member, Dr. Subramaniam Iyer who summarized the proceedings before thanking all the esteemed dignitaries. The Management Conclave was a wonderful opportunity for students to get valuable tips on unleashing their potential to the fullest to make a great management career. The Management Conclave was organized by members of the RPC, Dr. Betty Sibil, Dr. Subaramnaim Iyer and Dr. Celina Joy. The hosts were MBA students Ms. Anjali PV and Ms. Prerana.