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Date: 11th December, 2024
Venue: Auditorium, 7th Floor
Organized by: Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)

ICC (Internal Complaints Committee) of Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research conducted a session with MMS students. Dr. Shaheda Sheikh Presiding officer and Prof. Santoshi Perysamy Secretary of ICC have briefed them about ICC Committee. The aim was to discuss and make students aware about the ICC objectives, to know about the members and the necessary steps to be taken in case of complaints or any other concerns.

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Students were informed about the 24*7 Women’s helpline Number of Ms. Preetha S. Nair for any emergencies or complaint, know about the enhanced security system, workshops and establishment of statutory committees. For any help students can connect at the number provided. Overall addressing was to instil confidence and provide a sense of security to all female members of the campus community. It will also reflect our commitment to upholding the highest standards of safety and inclusivity.