Innovation and Entrepreneurship School Outreach Programme

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The IIC of PiMSR in collaboration with other colleges at Dr. K. M. Vasudevan Pillai Campus organised an Innovation and Entrepreneurship Outreach programme for the School students of Mahatma School of Academics and Sports (Commerce) on 13th August, 2024 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. The objective of the session was to encourage entrepreneurship as a career option among the school students.

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About 353 students attended the session. The students were taken around the campus and demonstrations of the available infrastructure, component libraries, maker labs, classrooms, robotics labs and computer labs were shown to them. The session began with a welcome by IIC member Dr. Celina Joy followed by a campus tour and a powerpoint presentation at the Auditorium. Snacks were distributed at the end of the season. 4 faculty from PiMSR and 14 external faculty and 30 students were engaged in this outreach program. The students benefited greatly from this session as this gave them an idea on startups and mentorship opportunities.