FDP Workshop on “OBE Based Academic Planning”

Home > Faculty Development Programme > FDP Workshop on “OBE Based Academic Planning”

Venue: Conclave
Resource Person: Dr. Satish Nair

Considering the increasing importance of Outcome Based Education and its implications on academic structure, content and delivery, the institute felt it necessary to organize a five day FDP on the topic of OBE. The intended objective of the FDP was to align the academic activities at PIMSR with the prerequisites of OBE.

FDP Workshop on OBE Based Academic Planning 2Dr. Satish Nair conducting the FDP on Outcome Based Education
FDP Workshop on OBE Based Academic Planning 3Participants during the FDP on Outcome Based Education
FDP Workshop on OBE Based Academic Planning 1

Session 1: 21st December, 2019

  • H2 Acad Yr ’19-’20 MMS schedule, structure and delivery modes
  • Acad Yr ’20-’21: All programs (structure & delivery)
  • Specific initiatives for slow learners and advanced learners
  • Project SWAYAM MOOCs

Session 2: 23rd December, 2019

  • Primer on OBE
  • The vocabulary of OBE

Session 3: 24th December, 2019

  • AcY ’19-’20: Odd Sem Courses – Documents as per OBE guidelines

Session 4: 27th December, 2019

  • AcY ’19-’20: Even Sem Courses – Outlines and CO-PO Matrices

Session 5: 30th December, 2019

  • Assessment components and rubrics