FDP on “Team Building Through Games”

Home > Faculty Development Programme > FDP on “Team Building Through Games”

Resource Persons: Dr. Celina Joy & Dr. Betty Sibil
Date : 19th February, 2019
Venue: Conclave

About the programme

A one day FDP for Team Building was organized by the institute. The approach adopted was unique as games were used as the main intervention. Games designed to increase team spirit and bonding were made use of for the same.


10:30 a.m.Introduction to Team and teamwork
11;00 a.m.Creating synergy - a crucial factor in team work
11:20 a.m.Game 1 - Paper bricks
12:20 p.m.De-briefing session
1:00 p.m.Lunch break
2:00 p.m.Game 2 - Twine and tower
3:00 p.m.Learning from games
4:00 p.m.Picture Me - Closing game