Farewell Party 2018-2019

Home > Cultural Activity > Farewell Party 2018-2019

Date: 22nd March, 2019
Venue: Atrium

Graduating college is a once in a lifetime type of event and the same goes for the college farewell. Farewell is an expression, like “goodbye,” The juniors created an ambiance of enjoyment and music for the seniors to enjoy their last memories in the college. Various fun activities and games were performed at farewell party:

  • Drama (themed) – Ramp walk (themed)
  • Singing (Solo, Group, Duet) – Interesting games with the audience (Fillers)
  • Dance (Solo, Group, Duet) – Speech
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This will be their last time to celebrate something with friends, faculty and juniors. Also, this day gives a proper goodbye to the final year students and also wishes them a great successful career But yet we have to say goodbye to them. So, it’s better to bid them farewell with some heartfelt words of appreciation or even with some sweet words to say thank you to them. We can wish them good luck in their new life in a text.