Centre of Excellence in International Business

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The Centre of Excellence (COE) in International Business of Pillai Institute of Management Studies & Research, New Panvel will act as a knowledge base by tracking developments and opportunities in the area of International Business.

The COE will focus on:

  • Exploring the emerging opportunities available for the institute and the students in the area of International Business.
  • Conducting short-term courses, value adding courses and training programmes in the area of International Business.
  • Entering into MOUs and tie ups with organizations, industry bodies and other agencies for conducting and promoting programmes related to International Business.
  • Providing consultancy in the relevant areas.
  • Undertaking research activities in the appropriate areas.
  • Securing funding and generating revenue by transforming the COE into a viable Profit-Center.

Events of Centre of Excellence in International Business

Distribution of Global Trade Certificate Program

Certificates of completion were awarded to the students who successfully completed the Certificate Course “Global Trade Certificate Program”, jointly organised by Pillai and IWFCI India on 18th March, 2023. The program was collaboratively organised by IWFCI INDIA, IWFCI GLOBAL and Pillai College. 82 participants enrolled for the program. Dr. R. Chandran, Director of Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research designed the curriculum. Prin. Gajanan Wader initiated the program for undergraduate students under the skill credit system and Dr. Kiran Deshmukh of PCACS and Dr. Celina Joy, Faculty at PiMSR and Director of IWFCI were the co-ordinators of the program.

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Global Trade Certificate Program

IWFCI India in partnership with IWFCI Global and Pillai Institute launched the Global Trade Certificate Program on 21st November, 2022. With a 30-hour power packed curriculum, the course covered all business processes related to Global Trade. This course was initiated by IWFCI as an offshoot of the recently signed Economic Co-operation and Trade Agreement (ECTA) treaty between the governments of India and Australia. 82 participants enrolled for the program.

Dr. R. Chandran, Director of Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research and an expert on International Trade is the Director of the program. Dr. Celina Joy Faculty at PiMSR and Director of IWFCI India was the coordinator of the program along with Prof. Kiran Deshmukh from PCACS. The modules taught were:
Module 1: The scope and trends of International Trade
Module 2: Export Marketing
Module 3:Export Finance, Banking and Exchange Management
Module 4: Foreign Trade Policy and Procedures
Module 5: Logistics and Shipping in exports
Resource persons are from India and Australia.

During the inaugural ceremony, Ms. Diana Abruzzi- International Chair of IWFCi said that “Trade is the most important life line for economic survival of any nation. No country can survive without it, because no country can dig up or produce ALL the resources and goods necessary for our standards of living. And as you learn these new skills and acquire new knowledge you will be opening yourself TO uncovering passions for things you may not have ever expected, or new interests you are not yet aware of. In this way – upgrading your skills is so much more beneficial for more than career development; it can also help YOU develop generally as a person.”

Dr. Daphne PIllai, President, IWFCI India National Chapter said that “foreign trade has become an integral part of any business unit, unlike in the past when business was restricted to one’s home country. Today, whether they are big or small, all businesses wish to earn foreign exchange by expanding their businesses to other countries and continents.

Today trade is driven mainly by technology, specially digital technology. Technology rules today in exploring new business avenues. Hence it has become easy to communicate with customers worldwide, promote your brand and set up outlets anywhere in a short span of time. The youth of today think fast, operate quickly and optimise business opportunities. Keeping all these developments in mind, Pillai Group of Institutions in collaboration with IWFCI Global and IWFCI India has designed this high-quality business oriented certification program. On completion of this program the trainees will develop the required skills, knowledge and entrepreneurial spirit to succeed in their ventures.”

Dr. R. Chandran said that “Expanding business across the world” is the prime objective of companies, whether big or small. The opportunities are in abundance when any one crosses the border of his home country. To succeed, in the overseas business the individual embarks on certain specific knowledge, skill sets and a systematic plan. Entrepreneurs across the world develop such a vision, face challenges and focus on their ultimate target to achieve business success in multi-continents.

Dr. Celina Joy hosted the inaugural session and mentioned that this was a great opportunity for budding entrepreneurs to upskill and scale up globally and on completion of this program the participating students will have a strong foundation for future careers in global trade.

Dr. Gajanan Wader, Prof. Deepika Sharma and Dr. Kiran Deshmukh from PCACS and Dr R. Chandran with faculty members of PiMSR will be implementing the program.

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Site Visit To JNPA

Students pursuing the certificate course “Global Trade Certificate Program”, jointly organised by Pillai and IWFCI India were taken on a site visit to the Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA) on 23rd June, 2022.

Top officials of #JNPA extended their support and explained all the practical aspects of cargo movements in the port. Students could relate to conceptual learning in the course such as containerisation, cargo handling methods, procedural compliances and role of freight forwarders. This practical aspect gave a strong foundation and great learning for students who wish to pursue careers in TRADE i.e. shipping, logistics, supply chain, ship broking, freight forwarding and customs formalities.

JNPT officials Mr. Jaiwant Dhawale – Chief Manager Admin and Secretary, Ms. Manisha Jadhav – Manager, Personnel and Industrial Relations, Mr. Mukund Dongare – Superintendent, Marketing and Mr. Sanjay Patil, Marketing Department met the faculty and students and planned the entire visit, Mr. Hasanali M. Golwala and Mr. Mustafa Golwala alumni of Pillai college arranged the permissions, compliances and on-site tour. Prof. Kiran Deshmukh of Pillai College co-ordinated the program and the visit along with Dr. Celina Joy from Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research. IWFCI Global President Diana Abruzzi and Dr. Daphne Pillai Founder President of IWFCI India initiated this collaboration. Dr. R. Chandran- Director of Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research created the structure, contents and study material for this course.

IWFCI INDIA President Dr. Daphne Pillai and Directors, Dr. Celina Joy, Ms. Yvette Lee along with the faculty members of Pillai College accompanied the students. The students interacted with the JNPT officials and experienced the practical aspects of cargo operations at the port.

site visit to jawaharlal nehru port authority 1Mr. Hasan Ali Golwala, Ms. Deepika Sharma – Vice Principal PCACS and IWFCI Directors, Dr. Daphne Pillai, Dr. Celina Joy and Ms. Yvette Lee
site visit to jawaharlal nehru port authority 2Felicitating Ms. Manisha Jadhav, Manager, Personnel and Industrial Relations JNPA
site visit to jawaharlal nehru port authority 3Felicitating Mr. Jaiwant Dhawale, Chief Manager Admin and Secretary JNPA
site visit to jawaharlal nehru port authority 5Students of the IWFCI Global, IWFCI-India, Pillai College at JNPA site
site visit to jawaharlal nehru port authority 4Asking and answering questions related to Trade