Pillai institute of Management studies and Research has outsourced aptitude training to learning roots. Learningroots is a Mumbai based test preparation company started by FMS and JBIMS alumni. Specialize in Aptitude based entrance tests (MBA, Bank entrance tests, recruitment tests, etc.) and offer classroom and online training to aspirants. Through our offerings (classroom training, mentoring,...Read More
An Idea Generation Workshop – A Stepping Stone towards Entrepreneurship was conducted by Dr. Priam Pillai on 20th August, 2018 at Conclave, Panvel Campus for students of PCE, PCACS and PiMSR who were interested in starting their own businesses. Students enthusiastically participated in the group exercises as a part of the workshop. Dr. Pillai talked...Read More
Life skills (Yoga, Physical Fitness, Health and Hygiene) Date: 2nd August, 2018 – 11th August, 2018 Venue: Auditorium Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research in association with Heart fullness conducts meditation sessions for all the students of management in the auditorium. Sessions are conducted in the month of August every year. Practitioners of ‘The...Read More
Resource Persons: Prof. C. K. Sreedharan Date: 11th July, 2018 Venue: Conclave About the programme This programme was about how to use the subconscious mind for self- development. The trainer taught how to go into deep relaxation for self programming. Use of positive affirmations were also explained during the training. Topics covered: Levels of the...Read More
Soft Skills are characteristic traits and interpersonal skills that characterize a person’s relationships with other people. They are also often known as ‘transferable skills’, ‘people skills’ or ‘social skills’. Soft skills get little respect but may make or break your career. Your work ethic, your attitude, your communication skills, your emotional intelligence and a whole...Read More
The main aim of career counseling is to help students choose a field that is in tune with their skills and their job expectations. Thus, with the help of career counseling, most candidates end up choosing the right career, and perform their level best, which ultimately helps them succeed. Career Counseling Session Conducted by the...Read More
ICT/Computing Skills Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research organized seven Sessions on Financial Modeling for first year finance students. The resource person for this session was Dr. Aditya Sontakke. He conducted seven sessions of one hour each between March and April last year. He informed students about a financial model which is the summary...Read More
ICT/Computing Skills – VBA Toolpak Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research organized nine sessions on data analysis for all the MMS students of first year. The resource person for this session was Prof. Ketki Pawar. She conducted nine sessions of one hour each between March and April last year. She suggested that Excel is...Read More
ICT/Computing Skills Date: 13th February, 2018 – 15th April, 2018 Venue: Conclave Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research organized sessions on Tally for first year finance students of first year. The resource person for this session was Mr. Mangesh Malsure. He conducted ten sessions of one hour each between September and October last year....Read More
ICT / Computing Skills Date: 13th February – 15th April, 2018 Venue: Conclave Tally Sessions Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research organized sessions on Tally for first year finance students of first year. The resource person for this session was Mr. Mangesh Malsure. He conducted ten sessions of one hour each between September and...Read More