
About Library

PiMSR Knowledge Resource Centre (KRC) library is designed to support the information needs of professors, researchers, students, and the wider community. The library collection comprises print books, journals, e-books, e-journals, online databases, CD-ROMs, newspapers.

The library is fully automated, containing 22,138 plus collections, and has subscriptions to three online databases—ProQuest, J-Gate and EBSCO — that cover essential topics in management and beyond. The library follows open access system.

The broad objectives of PiMSR KRC is:

  • To build a state-of-the-art knowledge resources centre for management and allied subjects.
  • To acquire need-based resources to meet information requirements of the academic community of the Institute.
  • To provide proactive and innovative reference services to the user community.

Due to the growing needs and preference of Library users, KRC focuses more on subscription to online resources than printed documents. In the last few years, e-resources of the PIMSR-KRC increased considerably in terms of number and subject coverage.

Working Hours

The Knowledge Resources Centre is kept open almost throughout the year including Sundays (Except Public Holidays)

Monday to Saturday9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
Sunday10.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.

Number of hours can be increased based on the student’s requirements.

Circulation Policy

Two (2) Books are issued for a period of 1 week to Student’s and Ten (10) Books are issued for six month for staff. A fine of Rs. 5 per day is collected from students for overdue books. Periodicals & Magazines are only for reference use. Multimedia facility is made available for accessing CD-ROMs.

Library Services

Presently the Library is providing the following mentioned services to its users.

  • Web-OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
  • Bibliographic Service (On Demand)
  • Reference Service
  • Referral Service
  • Internet, Scanner, Reprography
  • Current Awareness Service
  • Inter Library Loan
  • Document Lending
  • News Paper Clippings

The PiMSR KRC has formed library committee to formulate policies and guidelines for the smooth functioning of Library activities. It also involves student representatives.

General Rules of The Library

  • Absolute silence should be maintained.
  • Two Books for the duration of one week can be issued at a time.
  • Interchange of Library card & ID-Card is not allowed.
  • Books once Issued cannot be returned on the same day.
  • Students / Staffs are entitled to renew books, depending upon the demand of particular books.
  • Library resources like reference books, dictionary, bound volumes, CD’s Audio / Video discs are to be referred within the library premises.
  • Issued Books / Personal Books, Files, Notes, and other personal belongings are not allowed to be brought inside the Library.
  • Mobile phones to be switched off or in silent mode before entering the Library premises.
  • Users are not allowed to carry eatables / drinks inside the Library premises.
  • Personal belongings like bags, umbrellas, etc. should be deposited at the Property Counter. These are not allowed inside the Library.
  • Readers are advised not to leave their valuable items like money, passport, credit card etc. at the Property Counter.
  • The library shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of the personal belongings of the users.
  • Readers are liable for action if they either misbehave or damage any library property.


Library being is a heart of an academic system is located at a central place on the first floor of PiMSR Institute.

Address: Mahatma Education Society’s
Pillai’s Institute of Management Studies & Research
Dr. K. M. Vasudevan Pillai Campus, 10, Sector-16, New Panvel – 410206
Reception: 022-65748000
Admission Office: 022-65748065

library 1
library 2
library 3
library 4
library 5


Journals (Print)26 (National – 10 / International – 16)
Magazines (Print) 17
EBSCOHOST - 375 full text Database Including 6 Million + e-journals
J-Gate - 67,487+ e-journals
ProQuest - 28,800 + e-books

PiMSR library also hosts an institutional repository called DSpace, which facilitates access to educational materials.

PIMSR Institutional Repository

  • E-Books
  • Project Reports
  • Question Papers
  • Syllabus

PiMSR Library Staff

The Staff members of PiMSR Library are as follows:

Ms. Tejaswini N. KarkhanisLibrarian
Mrs. Latha Anilkumar NairLibrary Assistant
Mrs. Ashwini S. MhatreLibrary Assistant

Library Facilities

PiMSR Library provides the following mentioned facilities to Staff and Students.

  • Borrowing Facility
  • Internet access Facility
  • Multimedia facility
  • Users Orientation
  • Plagiarism Check
  • OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)

Collection Development Policy (CDP)

PiMSR Library has a collection development policy in which we continuously add course related and other relevant books through Books exhibitions and Books on approval. Similarly new periodicals are subscribed on the request from Staff members.

Institutional Membership

PIMSR Library is having an institutional membership of The Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai and connected to all MES Institute Libraries. Students and Staff members can use the facility of Inter-loan Library Resources.