Traditional Day 2018-19

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Date: 16th February, 2019
Venue: Auditorium

It’s a day that everyone looks forward to in all colleges. Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research celebrated the Traditional Day to promote “Unity in diversity “which is based on the concept where the individual or social differences in physical attributes, skin color, castes, creed, cultural and religious practices, etc. are not looked upon as a conflict. Rather, these differences are looked upon as varieties that enrich the society and the nation as a whole.

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Traditional Day was held on the 16th February, 2019 at the college. It was an eventful day. It was observed as a celebration of India’s diverse culture. It’s a day designated for people to come in traditional attire from their home state, or specific culture of their choice.

Event was inaugurated with lamp lighting and Saraswati Pooja by Director Dr. Satish Nair and all the faculty members. This was followed by a classical dance performance of Ganesh Vandana by a group of students of MMS first year. Director addressed the gathering and explained the richness of Indian culture and traditions.

Traditional Day is a day where everyone gets a chance to show their culture of their home state, or specific culture of their choice. Such a colourful and celebration mood was witnessed at Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research New Panvel. The programme commenced with the tribute to almighty in presence of the Director, members of teaching fraternity and student community.

The show was well organised with many song and dance performances representing the cultural heritage of India. The folk dance performances of various states enthralled the audience. Apart from these our students walked the ramp in traditional attire depicting the unity in diversity we have in our country.

Faculty members, Non-teaching staff and first year and second year students.